
Why Choose Davis Glass & Mirror?

  • Our Highly Experienced Staff
    Our friendly staff has been trained by the best.  They will always make sure to provide exceptional service.
  • Fast 24/7 Emergency Response Times
    Whether it’s day or night, your home, or business, we can be there FAST to make sure your home, or business, are safe.
  • Our Turn-Around Times
    Once we start a job, we take it through to completion with as little downtime to the customer as possible.
  • Our Prices Are Very Competitive
    We shop around too.  We make sure that we are always offering the best prices for the best quality you can buy.
  • Quality Workmanship
    We pride ourselves on offering the best workmanship in the Las Vegas Valley. Our friendly staff will always make sure your expectations are exceeded.
When Accidents Happen, Trust Davis Glass and Mirror for Prompt Emergency Glass Repairs!